The hypocrisy of some in the liberal media is quite disturbing for criticizing Michelle Wolf’s speech at the 2018 White House Correspondents Dinner…

All she – Michelle — did is saying the same truths that the progressive press has been trying to convey since they fabricated that “monster” – that now they’re going after — called Trump; with the difference that she did it in the WHCD in a more witty, honest, and straight forward way…

Kellyanne Conway and Sarah Huckabee Sanders, very poignantly targeted by Michelle Wolf’s sharp tongue and keen perception of their truth, evidently by their facial expressions when singled out by the comedian walked out of the dinner celebration with their ego extremely bruised and deservedly so…

Michelle Wolf on Conway: “Kellyanne Conway has the perfect last name for what she does: “Conway,” she said. “It’s like if my name was Michelle Jokes Frizzy Hair Small Tits. You guys have to stop putting Kellyanne on your shows. If you don’t give her a platform, she has nowhere to lie. It’s like that old saying: If a tree falls in the woods, how do we get Kellyanne under that tree. I’m not suggesting she gets hurt. Just stuck…”

Michelle Wolf directly to Sarah Huckabee who was sitting just a few steps away from her: ““I have to say I’m a little star-struck… I love you as Aunt Lydia in The Handmaid’s Tale… She burns facts and then she uses that ash to create a perfect smokey eye… Like maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s lies. It’s probably lies…”

It was very obvious that when Kellyanne and Sarah heard their jokes they didn’t like it because the truth hurts… GREAT FOR MICHELLE!!!!…  Too bad these Trumpeters are like their boss, thin skinned and no sense of humor…

The wounded, crushed ladies, and only representatives of the White House at the dinner – as we can all imagine — left the annual celebration of the first amendment in a totally different mood and demeanor as when they first arrived  and were interviewed by the press… By their attitudes, actions and the administration they work for, the first amendment doesn’t seem to be a priority, or they don’t seem to understand that it goes both ways, that all parties, all people have the right to it…

Their arrogance and usual delusional lies and alternate reality regarding Trump’s “very successful” tenure – according to them — was bombastically pointed out by these ladies as they were interviewed by the media right before the WHCD started… They answered with vehement intensity, exaggerated passion, and the false pride typically of those who want to impose a dishonest fabrication and alteration of the truth regarding Trump and his – so far — pretty much chaotic and failed presidency…

But Kellyanne and Sarah got owned by the hosting comedian and their tight little tushies were handed to them in a silver platter…!!!!!!!!!

Didn’t they learn and mainly Sarah Huckabee Sanders – being the daughter of an Evangelical  Preacher — what the Bible says about the arrogant…???

MATHEW 23:12 “For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted…”

It has always amazed me, as well  – specially from Sarah Huckabee — that being so Jesus, Jesus Hallelujah Evangelical Christians they’re so prone to lie, distort and manipulate reality in the name of God, to defend the pro-life movement, believing that their religion gives them a free pass and a license to hate gays, lesbians, Muslims, Mexicans  and all those that don’t talk, walk, look, think and pray like them…

Proverb 14:5 “A faithful witness does not lie, but a false witness breathes out lies…”
Exodus 23:1 “You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness…”
Galatians 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus…”
Worst of all they lie and distort reality and truth to defend a conman who has insulted, humiliated and bullied everyone and anyone that he doesn’t like, or he thinks is his enemy for whatever reason…

Since he was a candidate until now – that he’s a failed POTUS — he lives by these very low moral standards which are extended to and practiced by his surrogates like his Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and his advisor Kellyanne Conway… They lack all the social and diplomatic skills to deal with the media and those around them that like themselves have also the right to express their different opinions and live by different rules…

Like Trump avoided the WHCD because he knows he’d be reminded of all what’s wrong with him, his White House and mainly with his presidency, he shouldn’t have sent in his place his proxy that like parrots repeat his lies and in his style go by bullying those that are uncomfortable to them…

So, it’s ok to have Kellyanne and Sarah have a taste of their own medicine and all that hypocritical barrage against Michelle’s bold speech it’s just noise and “much ado about nothing…”
Who can even doubt that Trump by not showing up to the WHCA dinner only is demonstrating that he’s a coward and like Michelle Wolf very nicely put it: “Of course, Trump isn’t here, if you haven’t noticed. He’s not here. And I know, I know, I would drag him here myself. But it turns out the president of the United States is the one p—y you’re not allowed to grab… He said it first. Yeah, he did. Do you remember? Good…”


If you also want to know how people reacted in tweeter to Michelle Wolf’s comedic piece for the WHCD… Please click here:

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