This video (see bellow) is a living proof of what the TRUMP EFFECT ERA is all about…

Even worse, the decisions coming from the Trump’s Immigration Gestapo, starting with the most bigoted SS of all,  Jeff Sessions – AmeriKKKa’s Attorney General — aren’t decisions coming from Trump and his Nazi government alone, it’s mainly to please and bow to a “basket of deplorables” that voted Trump…

Many of these trumpeters are professional haters, socially resented racists, bigots and mainly XENOPHOBIC, that believe that to deter illegal immigration until these “illegals” won’t want to come here anymore to be so mistreated and humiliated, is by inflicting on them cruel and unusual punishment, by castigating in an inhumane way those that come to our borders, without understanding with some compassion their imperative needs to cross desserts and rivers, facing all kind of hardships and dangers to come to our beautiful nation to get a shot of the AMERICAN DREAM, exactly like Trump’s ancestors, his wife, as well as all of these haters and bigoted predecessors did some generations ago…

These practically runaways or refugees – mainly mothers with their kids —  already in distress trying to escape from the most horrible situations imaginable, from crime, kidnapping, rape, torture and senseless violence perpetrated by gangs and drug cartels, once they make it safely to the US, are detained, placed in jails like the criminals they’re running from, besides that the Immigration Gestapo takes away their kids from them, as young as 18 months old, or even less – like a vengeance —  to make sure that with this mistreatment they’ll finally learn their lesson and never, ever, they’ll dare to come back… Which’s also a clear message for others that have the same intention of coming to America…

If they were kids from Norway, or the Netherlands, really white children with blue eyes, would they’ve been mistreated the same way as these ‘coffee latte’ babies and toddlers…???

This Trump Administration will go down in history as the most un-American government we’ve ever had…  That tried very hard to destroy all our American Values as well as our Liberties, Democratic Institutions, and Freedom of Speech…
No, we don’t need or shouldn’t allow everyone in… Yes, we’re country of laws and all should abide by them; but however we handle the situation it has to be handled with care, with humane love, with more compassion, and remember that  on top of all the suffering these people went through – reason why they make the sacrifice to come here in the first place and with their kids, or send them alone — it’s not necessary to make them suffer even more, to teach them a lesson and make them understand how much this evil and tyrannic Trump Administration doesn’t care, gives a damn what these poor people is going through, and on top of it to show them how much the Trump regime doesn’t want them here, they will take their kids away from them and separate them from their mothers before kicking them out or granting them asylum, if they ever do…

Like we – individual human beings — have a clear destiny with which we were born, plus space and free will in between our astrological designations to create good or bad karma for ourselves, so does each country…

The will of the collective creates the destiny of each nation… A nation of compassion brings blessings to its society… A nation that commits evil acts and disrespects the moral and family values it should be built on, brings damnation and suffering to its people… That’s how formidable empires lost their power, when greed, wickedness, corruption and viciousness ruled and triumphed over their civilization…

This US Texas Senator – Jeff Merkley (video) — was also deterred, but from a Detention Center for Migrant Children… Why didn’t they let him in…??? What are they hiding that not even a US Senator can go inside and see the children…??? Who’re those kids, are those some of the 1500 that supposedly DHS have lost…???

No matter what this administration does or doesn’t do, We The People have a choice, we’re also protected by laws, we must Resist Trump and his evil Nazi policies and try to show the world that we’re the majority, that we want to live in Unity in Diversity, that we want to abide by our American Values, that Trump’s AmeriKKKa is a minority that with very few more votes and practically a rigged election usurped power… And the world should also know that the real America, that the real US, has nothing to do with Trump and his deplorable trumpeters that are bringing so much condemnation and vilification of our society with their unforgivable deeds…


Your intelligent & respectful comments are WELCOME…