IS TRUMP A TRAITOR…??? Most probably, YES…!!! But WHY…???

ROBERT REICH makes a very thorough and detailed analysis – according to our US CONSTITUTION — why we can consider TRUMP a TRAITOR…


And HILLARY warned US…


AND see who really is TRUMP’s PAL & LAWYER… The real RUDY GIULIANI…


One of the many crimes POTUS45 (by very shady means) has committed in his conniving lifetime…


And of course, in all acts of corruption and high profile political scandals – mainly coming from the party of morals and family values — the little whore Russian spy couldn’t fail to be…


That’s how the most decent Congressmen and women feel about Trump’s betrayal… No matter if they’re democratic, independent, or conservative…


Bernie Sanders vs. Rand Paul’s support for Trump’s treasonous act…



TREVOR NOAH tells the story of the great MADIBA – to whom he’s paying tribute for his 100 Anniversary — and what South Africa was like during the Apartheid Era until Nelson Mandela unified his nation, teaching people about TOLERANCE and how to live in UNITY amidst its DIVERSITY…

Meanwhile TRUMP & his “basket of deplorables” want to convert their concept of AMERIKKKA in an APARTHEID STATE…




Your intelligent & respectful comments are WELCOME…