Since Trump announced he was running for POTUS his campaign strategy was directed to a certain group of people that claimed to be the ” forgotten ones by the American society,” because of their difficulty to accept that the America they were born in has slowly but surely stepped up from a White Supremacist society to a  progressive one that embraces Unity in Diversity…

This endangered species struggling to survive and prone to disappear have found in The Donald their voice, the leader that will drag them out from the stone age caves they’re living in, who’d revindicate them, give new meaning to their miserable life, heal their frustrations and social ills, and excuse their hatred and social resentment, as well as pat them in the back and tell them that’s ok to discriminate all those that don’t talk, walk, look, think, pray and hate like them; besides give them permission to scapegoat immigrants, and any other person that aren’t bleach white like them, or from other religions that don’t recognize their Evil-gelical believes in their odd version of Jesus, Jesus, Hallelujah…

Everyone of Trump rallies were a rant against Latino people, mainly Mexicans and immigrants in general, very specifically against Muslims and needless to say also against blacks, Jews and other religions and ethnicities that were also humiliated in ORANGE45 rallies… With grotesque pamphlets and posters brought by White Supremacists, Alt-Right, KKK and Neo-Nazi groups they made their hatred and racism known without shame or restriction…  All of them belong to the ‘basket of deplorable’ who support this megalomaniac/mythomaniac and who helped him together with the Russians, the spreading of “Fake News” and by very shady means win the Presidential Election of 2016, by only 70 thousand Electoral Votes…

The consequences of the TRUMP EFFECT or TRUMPISM on our American society can be appreciated in several videos  presented bellow, being those videos just a sample of what’s going on in Trump’s AmeriKKKa:

Note: Just look at the people – the Trump cultists — who now have come out of their bigoted closets imitating their Lord & Savior The Donald – the Dick-Traitor-In-Chief — look at their appearances, at their retrograde demeanor, and mainly at their ages…
Exactly…!!!!!! Most of them belonging to another era that they desperately want to bring back…
It’s like these losers have found a way to release their frustrations and bitterness by insulting and humiliating those different then themselves who managed to achieve the American Dream, meanwhile their own hatred and negativity prevented them from achieving that same goal: the American Dream which Trump – who’s pretty bitter himself — is converting it in an American Nightmare…

















Hahahahahhahahahhahahah…. This is a great one…!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please, let us know how you feel in Trump’s America… Do you think that your life is better now than before Trump, economically, socially, politically…???

Do you agree with his new policies, with all his executive orders, with all he has done so far domestically and as foreign policies are concerned…???

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