For Trump, his administration, and cronies most importantly is the abuse of Nature and its resources for profit than the preservation of our Planet…

If Trump and his “basket of deplorable” believe or not in Climate Change they definitely are deaf and blind to the scientific warnings that Climate Change is real, because it goes against their personal and corporate interests, supported by a retrograde and ignorant believe, as well as a misinterpretation of The Bible coming from Trump’s most devout followers: the Jesus, Jesus, Hallelujah Evil-gelical anti-Christs…

This specific club  of hypocrites deserve to be called anti-Christ because anything and everything that goes against Mother Earth, against Nature, it also goes against Jesus, against GOD who created our Planet and our Universe for its conservation and human enjoyment and not for grabs, greed, and destruction…

But these Trump worshipers and founders of Trump-Cultism = Trumpism, who placed him in power with one particular purpose and strategically so that the environmental rules and regulations established by the Obama administration, as well as the Paris Accord on Climate Change can be rescinded, overthrown, and ignored so all kind of businesses, corporations, factories, etc. that might affect the environment with unwanted waste and chemicals won’t have to take those rules in consideration anymore and their enterprises won’t ever again be sacrificed, so that the dirty, corrupt and criminal money that it might produce – at any cost — will flow to their pockets without any interference or blockages…

That includes the desecration of National Parks and Monuments for the sake of drilling and mining, violating ancient treaties in favor of the Native Americans whom the Religious Radical Right Wingers – mostly Evil-gelicals —  from HELL, still consider pagan, and savage heretics second class citizens, who spiritually have lost their way by not believing in their own apostate style of worshiping Jesus, Jesus, Hallelujah – their “Lord and Savior” — meanwhile hypocritically they’re advocated and obsessed in destroying His Father’s – GOD’s — creation…

Water reservoirs, Sacred Land and the air that surrounds us are being polluted by unwanted chemicals and agents that besides destroying our ozone layer that protects us is also creating so many other environmental damages that’s already affecting not only our Planet’s Nature and resources, but directly the health and well being of our Human Race and our Animal Kingdom…

In a series of videos and an article we’ll be able to understand concisely a micro-cosmos of this profound destruction and its future consequences for our Planet Earth, for our children, on our water reservoirs, on our land and National Monuments and Parks, on the food we consume, on endangered species that might disappear forever if we don’t preserve them…

Interestingly enough is that in a desperate answer to some school  text books that blatantly lie about our environment created by the big corporations from the oil and fossil fuels industry, which were made obligatory to be taught to kids since the 50’s, a new generation of very young children and teenagers are coming forward who bravely are suing the Trump Administration as well as Trump himself for their denial of Climate Change and the ruination of our flora, fauna, oceans, rivers, lakes and the air we breath…




How Did the End of the World Become Old News?











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