QUACK Meaning: A person who dishonestly claims to have special knowledge and skill in some field…
Synonyms: Swindler, charlatan, mountebank, trickster, fraud, fraudster, impostor, hoaxer…TRUMPETER…



RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY THEORIES – which’s QANON’s specialty — has a very particular mission and it’s to re-create anything that comes out in the news detrimental to their “president by shady means” Trump, and turn it around to look good for him, terribly bad for the Media whom they also consider the “ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE”, as well as unfavorable for the “DEEP STATE”, or simply turn it against any of the many Trump’s enemies…

None-the-less, some of QANON ploys are just made up from scratch and they’re so farfetched and bizarre that only a very special kind of mind can digest it and accept it as THE TRUTH…
Generally, socially resented people with no criteria of their own who despises the DEEP STATE government and what it represents – which they blame for their frustrations and lack of success in their lives — is usually their target…

These very narrow minded QUACKS with lack of education, nor worldly point of views are the perfect kind of demographic that would immediately feel attracted to these conspiracy theories – like the “basket of deplorable” that conform Trump’s base — because these hypothesis can be adopted as an external excuse and the perfect reason why their lives have turned into such a disappointment…

Usually these characters who have no self-awareness, nor are capable of self-criticism find solace in this alternate world that soothes in a way their social ills…

By believing in this underworld of forged fantasies and hoaxes guards them from the effort and all the necessary steps that day after day a normal human being needs to take to create a productive and successful life…

QANON CONSPIRACY THEORIES eliminate – in a way — many pivotal aspects of life to avoid uncomfortable realities plagued by rules and painful TRUTHS about existence, about soul searching, about how to develop a strategy to become effective, constructive, and fulfilled at the same time…

CONSPIRACY THEORIES portrayed by QANON are just crutches to ease and suture the self-inflicted wounds of those weak minded that can’t face reality and cope with it…

It’s so much easier to be in a fantasy island wallowing in self-pity, self-misery, self-destruction, and even self-loathing because of the impossibility to recognize any self-worth, than fighting to improve any aspect of life; which leads  this people to despise everything and everyone around them because they project their own sociopathic behavior unto others…

Conspirators and plotters are attracted to movements and unrealistic realities like QANON because their nature resonates with  everything that’s twisted and distorted…



Tump’s perverted and mean Conspiracy Theory that Obama wasn’t born in the US and who created the Birtherism Movement – with which he practically launched his presidential willingness to run — came from a profound jealousy for all the accomplishments and mainly for the elites acceptance of self-made Barack Obama, when Trump – instead — has always been seen like a spoiled brat rich kid who had a fortune to his disposition and failed in business more than he actually gained, besides being a big time crook and a conman to be able to achieve what he has got today… Meanwhile, he has always been miserably rejected by la creme de la creme of all societies be it in America, or around  the World…

Trump could never cope with the reality and the success achieved by a black man like POTUS44…

Is Trump behind QANON, or his subsidizers the Mercers, or even Erik Prince are involved with this movement…???  Since Cambridge Analytica had to close down after the scandal,  in their desperate attempt to keep Trump  in office it’s not impossible at all that Erik Prince and Rebekah Mercer might be behind QANON, as a new tool to achieve their greedy purposes…

QANON now-a-days is the American version of all the Fake News, trolls and bots Russia used through social media to meddle in our presidential election of 2016…

Besides that QANON follows the perfect concept Trump talks about in his book THE ART OF THE DEAL, where he stated:  “The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration, and a very effective form of promotion.”



Maybe for business the “hyperbole” game played by a savvy and shrewd businessman can be fun and rewarding, but to use this “hyperbole” or “alternate reality” in politics and mainly to run a country – with the idea that those not so innocent lies if repeated many times people will end up believing them — and  as a way to deviate the public attention from THE TRUTH, this whole betrayal of the American people can be very damaging and devastating not only for Trump himself, his family and his presidency, but overall for the country, as well…

More specifically, all the twisted lies and machinations to divert the public opinion from his  probable collusion with Russia and Putin to bring Hillary down – so he could become POTUS45 — can also turn to be very dangerous “hyperboles” as the PIZZAGATE CONSPIRACY that almost killed several innocent people…




The conspiracy theory is the midwife of a monstrous new era

“What made them do so, it seems, was Q’s claim that he or she is an important official in the United States government possessed of Q-level clearance. Q-clearance, if you are not aware of it, is a real thing; it is the level above Top Secret – Top Secret turned up to 11, if you will. Q revealed that he was instructed to secretly alert the public to the nefarious actions of government baddies by posting “crumbs” to 4chan. Somewhat conveniently, the degree of secrecy involved is such that it is impossible to verify anything Q says independently – but ignore that for the moment, because it is nothing to the claims that those who have followed Q down his breadcrumb trail have made. 

What this trail disclosed is the existence of a single, giant megaplot which Donald Trump is here to foil once and for all. He is, and has been for some years, secretly assisted in this by John F. Kennedy Jr, who faked his own death in order to escape assassination (like his father and uncle before him) for knowing the truth. The truth is this: all past presidents – Democrat and Republican alike – have been participants in an international child-trafficking ring, which Hilary Clinton, as Obama’s anointed successor, was set to helm for the next eight years. The Donald, however, swooped in from outside of the metropolitan, paedophile, elite government system for the specific purpose of tearing it to the ground.”

Tim Smith-Laing



The psychology of Qanon: Why do seemingly sane people believe bizarre conspiracy theories?

The fear that evil forces conspire to hurt good people is deeply rooted in the human psyche.

“If it sounds crazy, that’s because it is. The mostly right-wing conspiracy theory makes a series of mind-blowing allegations that include Democrat-run centers for pedophiles and Satanic cults. The theory first appeared on various online message boards like “8Chan,” where followers shared “bread crumbs” — clues — about the dark and powerful forces that supposedly run their country…”

“Feelings of deprivation lead marginalized minority members to perceive the social and political system as rigged, stimulating belief in both identity‐relevant and irrelevant conspiracy theories…”

Professor Jan-Willem van Prooijen

#QAnon, the scarily popular pro-Trump conspiracy theory, explained


Let Us Break Down The Bizarre Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory Roseanne Barr Has Tweeted About


Roseanne Barr Deleted A Tweet Accusing A Parkland Survivor Of Giving A Nazi Salute




QAnon is just the latest in a long line of right-wing conspiracy theories




Move On: “Why has racism and bigotry persisted in the U.S. long after the Civil War and the Civil Rights Movement? Much of it can be attributed to racists textbooks that undermined the plight of slaves, and idolized the culture of the Antebellum South.”

Vox: “These Southern socialites rewrote history books to present a warped history of the south after the Civil War. We see its effects to this day.”












To be able to go against the First Amendment Rights of those who criticize him, Trump needs the support of FAKE NEWS, CONSPIRACY THEORIES to keep his ignoramus deplorable base on his corner… DESPICABLE…!!!!!!!!

White House revoking security clearance of John Brennan, mulling others

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