Maybe Brett Kavanaugh didn’t get to rape Dr. Ford, but if the GOP gets to name Brett Kavanaugh Justice of the Supreme Court, it will be like raping America’s Democracy…



We’ve enough with the current White House Groper-In-Chief and we don’t need to add a deviant Justice  that might stay in the Supreme Court for more than 40 years, who demonstrated – besides his sexual misbehavior — that he can’t control his emotions, and that he’s in great need of urgent therapy for anger management…




It’s a psychological fact  that whoever is accused of something and reacts violently, not confronting the real questions and evading the issues by denying THE TRUTH, as well as insisting in making the accuser(s) focus more on their “greatness” as human beings, as well as in their accomplishments – exactly like Kavanaugh did during  Dr. Blasley Ford’s testimony against him — these type of reactions usually are a clue that THE TRUTH isn’t on their side, and that they’re most probably lying…



When those who’re being accused become overly dramatic – like Kavanaugh did — and are looking for others to commiserate with them, it’s also another way to avoid, cover up, and reject THE TRUTH; which Dr. Ford candidly, and in such a poised simple manner presented to the world…



A public official in any high position should be accesible to all the people he’s serving and in a humble cordial manner…

A Justice of SCOTUS, also has to approach his job wholeheartedly and with compassion, and not with arrogance and like he or she’s entitled to it, feeling that they’re above or beyond criticism…

Unfortunately, the Conservative Party – the GOP — has lost its values and under Trump’s influence they’re willing to impose their self-serving agenda to hold on to power by any means, placing their personal needs before country, and going against the same principles that once conformed the very core of the Republican Party they represent…



Their Christian base now-a-days seems more of an amoral Evil-gelical bunch of racist, bigoted, xenophobic basket of deplorables, that in the name of Jesus, Jesus, Hallelujah are serving the whims of the Devil himself, whom they fear and give more credit than the God they claim to worship…

Kavanaugh’s the ideal Judge for this minority that will end up destroying our democratic institutions, our American values, and all the social and political progress that we’ve accomplished in the last 9-10 years, sucked by their perverted Nazi-onalism, as well as by their believe that the white race is actually the most superior race of the planet…

Kavanaugh’s also the ideal Justice that might save Trump from being impeached or indicted for his collusion with the Russians, with the intention of swaying the 2016 elections to his favor, as well as for treason against America, that might include his kids who probably also colluded with the Russians and Putin himself…



There are records, documents, and writings by Brett Kavanaugh where he states that a POTUS in office should practically be above the law and never be indicted, nor impeached, or touched, even though he/she has violated the law and the US Constitution…



The Donald couldn’t have found a better partner in crime even if he would have corrupted and bribed the man…

Kavanaugh, for POTUS45 is a perfect match made in heaven to keep him in power no matter what the outcome against  Trump might be, as the Mueller investigation moves forward… Therefore, the GOP lawmakers that support Trump don’t care about Kavanaugh’s morality, nor reputation…

Much less they care who’ll be the next Justice that will occupy the bench in the Supreme Court that Justice Kennedy left vacant, meanwhile the new Justice rulings and decisions will keep Trump in power so these corrupt lawmakers may advance their own agenda, keeping the corruption going for their own benefit vs. America’s…

For now Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination is up in the air until the FBI investigation will be concluded… A last minute bi-partisan decision mainly taken by Senator (R) Jeff Flake, and Senator (D) Chris Coons…


A selection of articles and videos that might illustrate and shed more light on the SCOTUS saga that’s taking place today in America with Brett Kavanaugh’s controversial nomination:

Trump Agrees to Open ‘Limited’ F.B.I. Investigation Into Accusations Against Kavanaugh – The New York Times –

Kavanaugh ‘lied’ in Fox News interview, drank to excess frequently, classmate from Yale says – ABC News –


Kavanaugh confirmation: Yale Law joins American Bar Association in request for FBI probe – USA TODAY –




Republicans fear political fallout from Kavanaugh turmoil 



Fred Guttenberg was invited by Senator Feinstein to Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination hearing… When he approached the Judge and introduced himself like the father of a victim from the Parkland Valentine’s Day shooting, Kavanaugh rejected him, and minutes later security approached Mr. Guttenberg for questions, treating him like a suspicious dangerous person…



Dr Christine Blasey Ford’s lawyer on he decision to testify publicly…











Watch Colbert’s take on Trump’s video and tweets defending Brett Kavanaugh, once he was accused of sexual abuse by several women…

But, what can you expect from Trump, who has even more accusations than Kavanaugh and is sitting in his White Supremacist House’s Oval Office like nothing has happened…




Dr Blasey Ford’s testimony was poised, candid, riveting, TRUTHFUL, straightforward, given in a humble and extremely cordial manner…



More allegations against Brett Kavanaugh…


Kavanaugh’s pathetic and shameful performance, in which he indulged in self pity and uncontrollable outbursts of anger, pouting like a spoiled brat, accusing the liberal base and the Democratic Party of a conspiracy against his nomination to avenge the Clinton’s, and other fabrications and conspiracy theories beneath the position of what might soon be – God forbid — a future SCOTUS Justice…

With every temper tantrum, as he was trying very hard to portray himself as the only victim in the situation, with every fit of anger, he created more doubts about his innocence and made it even more difficult to believe that  what he was saying – even if it was under oath — was all true…

At the end, even though his false claims that all was a sham and a circus, he was actually the only one making of this very serious hearing and allegations against him a total charade, to show how hurt and insulted he was by proclaiming his innocence over and over again, besides emphasizing his “greatness” as a human being and as a professional, and naming all his wonderful accomplishments non-stop…






Kamala Harris praising Dr. Ford for her courage and honesty…




Lindsay Graham, the other clown of this charade, accusing Dems for trying to delay the process of nominating Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court…




Senator Flake talking to several survivors of sexual abuse who were asking him not to vote in favor of Kavanaugh…

A very emotional and tearful interaction…




In this video we can see Senator Jeff Flake requesting from the committee to delay the vote so that an FBI investigation can take place first, since several allegations against Kavanaugh didn’t get the chance to play out…







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