What most of us liberals – moderate or extremists — don’t dare to say, but everyone of us know very deep down, is the consequences for the US of the downside of illegal immigration… Mainly the chaotic immigration crisis that’s a ticking bomb about to explode in our borders with Mexico…
What made America great for generations has been the extraordinary kind of people that from all over the world have come to this country and built their own communities; which in one way or the other have enormously contributed to today’s US making, by bestowing and imprinting in our geography and our society, a great part of their culture, their folklore, their culinary specialties, but mainly because of their love for this nation, and their gratefulness for the opportunity to thrive, to achieve the American Dream, to raise their families in a free and democratic nation, where justice and human rights are still imminent pillars of our society – even though not perfect and somewhat messy — but way much better when compared to all of the countries these immigrants flee from to preserve their lives and the life of their loved ones…
None-the-less, there’s another side to the immigration issue in America, the illegal side, the thousands un-accounted for that cross our borders without papers, as well as many more that come by plane, or others means, or with tourist visas that once expired, these tourists decide to stay in the underground, on the edge of society, or simply hiding in plain sight…
Many are honest, hardworking people that in one way or the other manage to become lawful and abiding citizens of the US, raising wonderful families, proud to have achieved their goal of becoming Americans; but what about so many others that come to abuse our freedoms, that are criminals, drug, arms and human traffickers, and those that aren’t that type of criminals but unscrupulously come to rig our system costing the US government and its lawful citizens taxpayers, billions of dollars…?
Currently, and more than ever, we know exactly who’re our friends and who are our enemies and detractors – who mainly contribute to our immigration problem — as Latino-American regimes are concerned… Those tyrannical, totalitarian and repressive regimes are today in power in most of those same nations that refused to attend THE MEETING OF THE AMERICAS, in Los Angeles, California, on June 6-10, 2022…
I praise the Biden administration for not extending an invitation to Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua, countries where dictatorial and fraudulent regimes tyrannize their people oppressing them in a constant violation of their human rights…
Reason why Lopez Obrador, Mexico’s president decided not to attend the meeting and who was followed by the presidents of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, in solidarity with these dictatorships not invited… Those exact same countries from where the devastating out of control immigration flee the misery and horrors of poverty and daily unmanaged violence, that terrorizes their cities, their people to a breaking point where they must leave their homes looking for freedom, looking for safety, and better financial opportunities…
These leaders do very poorly not only by not protecting the human rights and safety of their citizens, but also by not providing them with enough opportunities to progress economically, as well as not giving them the proper education that they and their children deserve… And why should they…? If for them is more profitable that their people flee to the US and make it whatever way possible across the border and then send money in US Dollars to their relatives; which in 2021 the total sent in remittances were of $83.9 billion…
As bad as this sounds, there’s still a worst side to all of this… Many – not all — of these immigrants don’t come to the US for their love for America, they already come brainwashed by these governments who sets them against America convincing them that the US owes them, and that they’re entitled to US Aid because of the US interference in their governments and countries in the past, like helping the Sandinistas, or as many Mexican assume and fantasize that California, Arizona, and Texas should become Mexican again because they think by erroneous historic facts that we stole it from them…
Meantime, their corrupt politicians fill their pockets with money stolen from the people, as they place the total responsibility of their social failures on the USA…
There’s evidently a tremendous struggle and division among Latinos; which simply comes to the ones that love this country and consider themselves Americans, and those who come to take whatever they can unlawfully, because they feel entitled, coming from hate and social resentment against the US and their “gringo” citizens; and we Americans must be aware of this situation because we don’t want our children and grand-children to grow up among those who hate us and come to rig and abuse our liberties, our democracy, our welfare and health system, living in the shadows or with false papers, damaging and destabilizing our society…
I wouldn’t be surprised that these Latino-American regimes might be using some of these immigrants, by helping them enter the US with the intention of inciting hatred, conspiracy theories, and with destabilizing purposes…
After all, AMLO – Mexico’s president — as well as many other Latino American ones, with a Chavista/Castro-Communist ideology, are supported and receive aid for their presidential campaign as well as orders on how to perform their policies directly from Cuba and Venezuela, who’re at the same time China’s and Russia’s great allies…
And what does China and Russia want for US, but break our democratic system, weaken us from every point of view, debilitate and divide our society, and what better than the opportunity of a critical and chaotic immigration situation in our borders to achieve those goals…?
Immigration reform is vetting every single person that wants to enter our country, making sure that they come with love and the intention of giving back, mainly gratefulness and appreciation for all we’ve to offer…
This way, also those that desperately need the US help, asylum and aid won’t be lost amidst the chaos and confusion that this immigration crisis is causing, preventing those more in need to enter our system legally…
Photo: These protesters in the photo are pro AMLO, Lopez Obrador, the Mexican president and against banning Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela to participate in THE MEETING OF THE AMERICAS…
My question is, if they don’t like our socio-political economical system, why are they here? Why do they feel they need to change our capitalist society for a socialist one like in corrupt, oppressive, dictatorial Cuba, Venezuela, or Nicaragua…? Why don’t they just go to where they like it best, like in these tyrannical nations…???

Your intelligent & respectful comments are WELCOME…