If Jesus comes back, how will he feel about American Christians…???

Many people acknowledge Jesus and what He represents to the world even if they aren’t Christians… Some extraordinary Christian Pastors’ sermons are so universal that can melt anyone’s heart, as Gospel Music can bring up deep emotions even in those who say that they don’t believe in God… Bible and Jesus stories are enchanting as well as lessons for life…  And lets face it, honesty and integrity – in so many cases — are just  a consequence of strongly Christian beliefs and principles…

None-the-less, if Jesus were to come back, how would He feel about the way He’s being worshiped and His teachings taught in some Christian Churches…???

Wouldn’t  Jesus feel sort of disrespected by those Christians that give more credit and power to Devil than to Jesus Himself…???   If they’re under the protection and Light of God and Jesus, why do they’ve to fear the Devil at all…??? And what makes less sense is when Christians blame the Devil for all their bad actions and mistakes, not taking responsibility for their wrong choices, as well as forgetting that God has given us the freedom of choice, instead of giving the Devil power over us…

How would Jesus feel when he’d realize that His Love, Compassion, Mercy, and Tolerance has been so misinterpreted and instead, destructive and negative judgments are made against anyone who doesn’t profess Christianity or doesn’t accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, or against those who don’t believe that they need to go through Jesus to get to God…???

Would Jesus tell those who don’t see Him as the Son of God that when they’ll die Hell awaits them…??? Most of us resonate with so many other spiritual paths and masters… Jesus, doubtfully would punish us for that…

Would Jesus consider all other faiths — besides Judaism, since Jesus was born, died, and will always be Jewish — cults, or consider some of those spiritual leaders Devil Worshipers or manifestations of the Devil himself…??? It sounds more probable that Jesus would sit down with many of them and openly discuss about their different approaches and paths to God, the Father of us all…

Jesus teachings were all about Love, about embracing the outcasts, the sick, the needy, the down rotten, not discriminating the rich, either… If Jesus were here would he  discriminate against gays, and lesbians, prostitutes, or those that have taken a wrong twisted road…??? Instead, He’d help them, and accept them for what they are, accepting that God just brought them to this world in a certain way…

Many of us believe very strongly that we don’t need intermediaries to get to God, that we’ve a straight line to Him, as well as we also believe that no one is our Savior but ourselves, depending on our actions and choices… If Jesus were here, would he reject us or condemn us for feeling this way…??? I don’t think so…

Would Jesus order His followers to violate the American Constitution and disrespect the separation of Church and State like so many churches in America do, seeking political power to impose on us Americans some type of Christian Sharia Law…??? Didn’t Jesus strongly opposed and kicked out from the Temple those that used God’s sacred space of worship for commercial and political activities; similar to what many churches are doing today…??? And the issue about abortion, has Jesus left any statement about that issue, to the point of banning it unconstitutionally…??? And for sure, Jesus would be the first in promoting gun control in America…

Would Jesus support wicked, corrupt, conniving Trump and his anti-democratic demeanor…??? Would Jesus approve of the conspiracy theories, manipulation of the Truth that some of His “followers” are  promoting to seize political power… ??? How does Jesus feel knowing that His churches lied about Trump being chosen by God to save America..???.

Would Jesus approve of the 1/6 Coup, and the attack to our democracy…???  Would He’d turn the other cheek to that horrific event like many Christian Churches advise to do, dismissing the fact that crimes against our values, liberties, against our freedom, and even against humanity were committed that day, incited by the same US President in office,  not other than Trump himself…???

And how does Jesus feel – wherever He’s — about the devastation, destruction and genocide committed by the Russians and mainly by Putin against the Ukrainian people, against the Chechnyas, against the Syrian, against the Georgians, against Crimea, when many  American Churches continuously and for years entertained the belief that Putin was a guardian of  Christian moral values, as the Kleptocracy in Russia was going on, meanwhile Putin was committing all those crimes against humanity…???

How can the Christian Churches support and praise amoral leaders like Putin and Trump as guardians of Christian moral values…???  These are the real false prophets the Bible warns us…

How can Jesus not feel saddened to see that American Churches – in His name — are on the wrong side of history, acting against the wellbeing of humanity and also nature by denying climate change, global warming and the need to act immediately to save Mother Nature and the planet..???. Wouldn’t Jesus want to be part of our modern times instead of fooling and manipulating humanity – with false beliefs — trying to take us back to the Middle Ages…???

Jesus said that He who sent Him was going to come down to Planet Earth and walk among men; but most Christians will probably miss God, and even though God might already be here walking among men, they would consider Him the Devil himself because the Churches – in their need of control —  would use manipulation and fear tactics to avoid that their followers find the Truth, in so many other spiritual paths that we can choose according to what resonates with our nature and faith…

Your intelligent & respectful comments are WELCOME…