NOT A RED WAVE, but sort of a “pinkish” one… Tickles a bit, but it won’t ever be able to bite…

The RED WAVE missed the mark swallowing many republicans
The RED WAVE missed the mark and many republicans drowned in it…

In November 08, 2022 Mid-Term Elections, DEMOCRACY WON…!!!

Maybe the Republicans will get more seats in the House than the Democrats… Maybe the Senate will literally be a tie – the final results are still to be seen — but what’s undeniable is that the 2022 Mid-Terms Elections were more a referendum against Trump – since most of the candidates he endorsed lost the elections — and a referendum against the Election Deniers, the Q Anon and Conspiracy Theorists, more than against the Democratic Party or Biden who came out of these elections reinforced and re-vindicated in some of his policies…
Definitely, it can also be considered a referendum against some of the cockamamie Evil-Gelical Churches, and other Christian ones, who’re supporting and guiding the Religious Radical Right Wingers from Hell down the path of tempering with our Democracy, and going against the US Constitution by disrespecting the Separation of Church and State… Even worst, being these Churches the source and central strongholds from where Q Anon and the Conspiracy Theories are being spread…

These unwanted – in our politics — elements, are Dominionists and Theocrats whose intention is abolishing the present US Constitution to establish a new one, based in some Christian Sharia Bible Law…
Some Pastors and Religious Radical Right Wing politicians, having been preaching this ideology in their worship centers and political discourses, an example of this deranged atrocities is what Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) stated at one of her State’s Sunday religious services: “The Church is supposed to direct the government. The government is not supposed to direct the Church. That is not how our Founding Fathers intended it.”
She added: “I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk that’s not in the Constitution. It was in a stinking letter, and it means nothing like what they say it does.”

This statement by Rep. Boebert is far from accurate… The intention of the Founding Fathers regarding the Separation of Church and State; which was one of the most important issues established by the creators of the US Constitution, was never to base it on any religion, and much less on the Christian one, but it was based on Masonic Principles of Equality for all races, nationalities, and creeds… 

The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution says that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” The function and intent of this amendment have been translated as “separation between Church and State” by Thomas Jefferson.

An implosion will definitely occur in the Republican Party between those more moderate Republicans and the extremists Trumpeters, as it has become obvious that Americans mostly rejected in these November elections, those endorsed by Trump, who’re also the ones that spread Conspiracy Theories and are the 2020 fair election deniers… The GOP needs to finally and accurately assess why their expectations in these Mid-Term Elections were never met…
The Republican Party must decide if to preserve the extreme bigoted views and farfetched lies of a group of White Supremacists – a species in extinction struggling to survive — who are using their Conspiracy Theories to manipulate the ignorant and candid masses, from the very pulpits of their despicable centers of worship; or stop and slam the doors of their party in the face of the deranged violent hordes – like the ones that attacked our Capitol Hill on 1/6/2020 – by finally realizing that the GOP needs to leave behind what started with the Tea Party and developed into the infamous Trumpism and Q Anon, so they can start a new chapter of recovery and sanity…

Several hundred white nationalists and white supremacists carrying torches march in a parade at the University of Virginia, screaming “JEWS WILL NOT REPLACE US…” (Evelyn Hockstein for The Washington Post)
The GOP needs to come back to the conservative party of reason it once was… A healing must take place, so that the GOP can recover from these mentally diseased unwanted zealots that have been destroying their party and America as well, since their Fuhrer Trump stormed the GOP and took over… Now they need to regain their moral health, establish a more centrist type of political approach and become once again the GOP that all Americans – even democrats and independents — have always been proud of,  like when they were the Party of Lincoln, Eisenhower, Reagan, John McCain, and so many other patriots who helped to build this great nation…  
That doesn’t exempt the Democrats completely, who also need to do their own soul searching and learn from this experience what they need to fix so they do not place our democracy in danger to be usurped once again…

The Dems need to control much more assertively our borders, as well as purge once and for all from their midst the extreme left that hasn’t allowed them to always walk on the middle of the road…
The leftist aren’t real democrats nor understand our American values, as well as the Radical Right doesn’t either… Reason why they both should go away and create their own party… The Radical Right should call it “The Fascist Hate America Party”, and the Radical Left should call it ‘The Communist Hate America Party,” where The Squad, AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sander can thrive and fester in their own muddy and foul waters…


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