If the US were to be invaded or attacked by a Foreign Power, wouldn’t that UNITE US ALL as ONE NATION to fight OUR common ENEMY…???

Remember 9/11…??? Remember the 2001 attack on our iconic NYC World Trade Center…??? Tragic event – of our very recent history — that not only left us in shock, but also with monumental painful fears, and practically in disbelief that something like this could have happened to America…

None-the-less, it also united US as ONE NATION…

ALL of US, we were unilaterally mourning our victims… ALL of US, we were sharing the same rage, the same hurt; and under the same flag we pledged the same oath: to protect and defend our country against all Foreign Enemy Powers, regardless of race, nationality, creed, color of skin, or political affiliation… It also united the whole world – friends and even some countries that weren’t so friendly with the US — in unison they supported us, condemning the attacks that deeply changed our ‘care free’ way of life, to the point that we’ll never, ever again be the same as before 9/11…

2016… Just 15 years later than the 9/11 events, we became once again the victims of a cyber Russian invasion through Social Media… Russian bots and trolls meddled in our elections… Conspiracy Theories, the raise of QAnon groups – full of dangerous fallacies — were demonizing those that weren’t in agreement with their populist nationalist ideology… They went against Hillary Clinton but fully supported Trump, creating what we know today as the nefarious and diabolical MAGA Trumpism…

The consequences are obvious, our American society is tragically fractured and weakened by hatred, and divisiveness…

The ultimate goal was to collectively embolden and empower the anti-government dormant groups, giving way to the Alt-Right, as well as waking up the Neo-Nazi and KKK resurgent communities of White Supremacists, Christian Nationalists, and the trained Militias hiding in our American remote isolated regions and forests; where they live ruminating their social resentment against our democratic and political system, waiting for their moment to come out of their closets… Moment bestowed to them by Trump’s raise to power, who gave them a voice and practically freed them from their isolation…

The difference between this Russian cyber invasion and 9/11, is that in 2016 the meddling on our electoral process was done in direct partnership with our own, who shamelessly betrayed us and our country… Trump, besides being the anointed one by the great majority of the EVIL-gelical Churches – as America’s Savior — he, together with these astray religious institutions,  also supported Putin as the protector of Christian Values and the guardian of the Christian Church, in spite of his crimes against humanity and genocidal bloody, erratic, and barbaric violent acts, who made of Trump another one of his puppets…


WHAT IF Russia, as well as our other enemies, like China, North Korea, Iran, or maybe 2 or three of them, or even all of them join forces and decide to physically invade us by sea, air and even with boots on the ground…??? What are we going to do then, are we still going to stay divided…???

Being under attack by a common enemy, and hypothetically having enemies who like Russia together with China and even with Iran, were to come here and attack our land, are we going to continue rejecting and bitterly bicker against our friends, neighbors and even family members that don’t feel or think like us, keeping them at a distance because their political positions are opposite to ours…??? When in reality we mostly need them close; and also we need to be ALL UNITED to fight for our Independence and Freedom…

WHAT IF, our beautiful country is under siege like today Ukraine’s under permanent bloody attack, with constant shelling and continuously bombarded by the Russians; would our Armed Forces – in the process of recruiting men and women to fight for America — be separating the recruited by political affiliation, or even rejecting Trumpists or democrats…???

No, in these moments of danger when we need to confront a COMMON ENEMY, we’re all together in a united front, standing on common ground without discrimination, sacrificing and risking our comfortable lives, as well as our personal beliefs because our survival is at stake, and to survive we need the collective’s unconditional support, ALL of US UNITED to defeat our common enemy…

If we take this hypothetical situation and think about it every day, if we’ve it present every moment of our lives, won’t we find it so much easier to tolerate and understand others who profess a different social, political, even religious belief; and instead of rejecting a neighbor, a stranger, even a friend or relative because they resonate with different principles than ours, can we agree to disagree by finding common ground, allowing a civil discussion of different point of views to take place…???

Allow ourselves to just think about it…

If Israel could come to agreements of cooperation with different Arab nations, befriending past foes to create and axis of protection against Iran – their nuclear common enemy — why can’t we Americans try to create common ground with those who oppose some of our ideas, and still find similarities and sharing points that might help us keep a good relationship with them going…???

In these mid-term elections, we discovered that the majority of Americans want to walk on the middle of the political road, and only a considerable minority – that’s decreasing —  still wants to dwell on their intransigent tortuous paths, where only the extremists – stubbornly — want to stay isolated, and soon defeated as well…

Maybe in 2023, we should try to come closer and find common ground with those with whom we share the extraordinary privilege of being Americans, in spite of being Republicans or Democrats, from the left or from the right…  We all share the same country, the same culture… We all want food on out tables, a roof over our heads, good and affordable education and health care for our children, as well as government protection… We’re born or naturalized Americans, meanwhile others just live among us sharing our American Dream, we all yearn for the same things, we all hope for similar dreams to come true, so we can’t be that different, can we…???








6 responses to “If the US were to be invaded or attacked by a Foreign Power, wouldn’t that UNITE US ALL as ONE NATION to fight OUR common ENEMY…???”

    • Trump, his kids, and cronies colluded with Russia, and that’s a fact… Hunter Biden’s laptop content is yet to be proven that’s not another conspiracy theory from the White Supremacist, Nationalist, Populist QAnon driven Religious Radical Right from Hell…

      If Hunter Biden is guilty of something let him pay and believe me that most democrats won’t support him, not like the GOP that wants to cover up the sun with one finger, and mask the obvious truth with made up lies and delusional fallacies…

    • Eventually, we will, when most Americans who still think that Trump’s America’s Savior will realize the dangers that Trumpism and the Radical Right pose for our democracy…

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