Trump Effect Era…

Who can deny that this episode we can see in this video isn’t a consequence of the “Trump Effect Era” we’re living in…

Trumpeters like this woman are today’s representatives of the “superior white race” they claim to belong to… It’s people like her that say that they want “their country back” and have all immigrants out of the US…

They haven’t understood yet that even if that would come to pass and they stay all alone in this country things would never get better for them, if not worse…

The problem they’re facing is their own social resentment, their own incapacity to adapt to this age and times… The problem they’re facing is because they know that they’re a species in danger of extinction trying to survive…

Imagine that thanks to Trump she and her deplorable White Supremacists xenophobic bigots get their wish, what would their AmeriKKKa become…???

Their evident mediocrity, slowness, negativity, racism and unreasonable hatred, their lack of culture, education and will to adjust to modern times and embrace all what technology has to offer today, embrace change and step up to all what this century has to offer, will only take this nation – a leading nation among all the others in the world — and take it backwards to the middle ages, to these deplorable holes, where these deplorable beings still live…

If they win, they’d destroy everything we, as a society, as beacons of Planet Earth – in so many cultural and scientific aspects — have achieved…

Trump and trumpeters aren’t making America great again, they’re making Amerikkka hate again… They’re making Amerikkka ashamed again…

Our democracy is in peril… Our liberties and our values are being desecrated by Trump and his trumpeters…

Or we resist Trump or we become just like this deplorable being in the video…

Your intelligent & respectful comments are WELCOME…