TRUMP EFFECT ERA… Going after kids that were peacefully manifesting for “Gun Control Reform…”


Since Trump became candidate dudes like this one (please see video) became emboldened to violently go against anyone that challenges their twisted and fetishist believes, like in the case of GUNS and the 2nd Amendment Rights…

A group of youngsters gathered in a park to advance their gun control agenda when they’re interrupted by some dudes that look and behave in a similar manner to those KKK that marched in the White Supremacist rally in Charlottesville, as well as the deplorable participants of Trump’s MAGA campaign rallies…

Just imagine that these very belligerent, aggressively vicious and abusive “patriots” and hateful AmeriKKKans – who feel entitled to this country above anyone else — start to get even more empowered by the Trump administration; and their infringements of the First Amendment, as well as their aggressive demeanor towards all those that don’t think, look, talk, walk and pray like them goes unpunished – and once let loose — they start to impose their evil, dictatorial, martial and Bible rule of law on their version of Amerikkka…

If that will ever come to pass there will be another Civil War in the USA unless we resit them now and make them go back to the pre-stone age caves they came from…

The ideal situation would be to come to an understanding… Practicing tolerance and respect for one another is the only way to live side by side… Are they capable of coming to those terms…???
I don’t think so… At least not for now…

This MAGA crowd is a species in danger of extinction struggling to survive…

But their frustration, exasperation and rage, their lack of acceptance of the modern world with its technological advances, their definitely unwillingness to embrace change makes them feel like a fish-out-of-water peeing outside their fish bowl while claiming that they want their country back, when what they really want is to take America to the white supremacist nation that it was during the 50’s and 60’s…

They want to go backwards and drag the majority of the country with them, to a moment in time that’s is long, long gone with the wind…

None-the-less some of their pleads are very valid, the problem is their approach to solve their issues and the way they go about their needs; which can’t be validated since they come from social resentment, from hatred, racism, bigotry, uncontrollable anger, xenophobia and in their lack of culture and education they think that all their misgivings can be dealt with a machine gun in their hands…

They only find scapegoats to blame instead of looking inside and realizing how much they’re at fault as well… Because negativity attracts negativity and stagnation…

Some of them might call themselves Christians, but these Jesus, Jesus, Hallelujah dudes put more faith and love towards their rifles and firearms that on the Word of God and Jesus’ teachings…


Your intelligent & respectful comments are WELCOME…