The Donald in his high rise Trump Tower palace has a solid gold toilet and Kim-Jong-Un has a mobile toilet he always brings with him when traveling around North Korea; which he also brought to the summit he had with President Moon Jae-In of South Korea…

So, what’s it about these men that are so similar in so many ways – bullies, emotionally unstable, narcissistic, psychopathic chronic liars, who truly believe that they’re “perfect gods” and can be manipulative charmers as well —  and their almost spiritual connection to their toilets…??? And unfortunately that might probably be the further they can go on a spiritual level, which’s their connection to their loo…

Maybe it’s because they’re so ANAL as well as “somewhat” ANAL RETENTIVE…??? 

ANAL: From Google Dictionary: (in Freudian psychoanalysis) relating to or denoting a stage of infantile psychosexual development supposedly preoccupied with the anus and defecation… 

Reason why both  strong-armed, authoritarian, and control freak leaders are so thin skinned and frighteningly childish at the same time…”

ANAL RETENTIVE: From Urban Dictionary: “A mild form of obsessive-compulsive disorder. A collection of very irritating personality traits that include stubbornness, orderliness, and a desire to control others and their surroundings. It makes a person meticulous or fixated about little things, nit-picking or paying extreme attention to detail, and trying to control his or her environment and other people. They do things “by the book’’ with no flexibility in the way they complete tasks, and expect others to do and think as they. It’s their way or the highway, basically. They are the worst people to work for or live with…”

Maybe not all these attributes can be applied literally to both weirdos, but in general terms it describes most of their oddities and eccentricities…

Now, the existencial question is, are they really and truthfully committed to peace and denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula…???

Once, face to face – Trump and Kim-Jong-Un —  will they be able to be humble enough not to compete with each other and understand that this summit is not about themselves and their childish ego but mainly about their people, as well as about our Planet Earth;  which contrary to their belief it doesn’t swirl and revolve around them…???

One of the most frightening thoughts is when we become aware that just by the press of the wrong red button – in only one instant — the world as we know it can disappear, and the radiation clouds around it will make it practically an unlivable planet for almost eternity…

Definitely, Destiny is playing a game with all of us – inhabitants of Planet Earth — and mainly with the main protagonists of this saga, or charade,  who’re also – one of them — a brutal psychopathic dictator – and the other one — a deranged egomaniac wannabe tyrant, and both of them are playing the game of ‘Peace and War’ where the lives and well being of millions are at stake… This idea is very much unsettling and so mind boggling that only dark humor can derail the negative thoughts of this dangerous and perilous historic momentum…

What an irony that the most mighty nuclear powers are in the hands of the most volatile minds of our times – Trump and Kim-Jong-Un — since these lethal weapons have been conceived; and also that Wold Peace is their immediate responsibility and they – sadly enough — aren’t all there…

So far, we can only speculate or half way guess what the outcome might be…  So, lets hone it down to two possibilities… The Hollywood version with a happy ending and its totally opposite and dangerously lethal result…

HOLLYWOOD VERSION WITH HAPPY ENDING: (My favorite, as well as most of human race desired outcome)…

What if, Kim-Jong-Un had an epiphany… It could have come to him in a dream, where his father and grandfather from the far beyond came to Kim Jr. in the middle of the night and told him that God does exist and there’s no bad deed that doesn’t go unpunished…

They could have also explained to him that his mission in life is to save his people, reunite them with their South Korean relatives, with their brothers and sisters on the other side, and that it’s imperative for him to stop sacrificing so many human beings to build and arsenal of weapons of mass destruction that would also mean the destruction of their own nation…


Besides – his ancestor ghosts appearing in Kim-Jong-Un’s dream – might keep reminding him that this other guy that calls him “little rocket man” who’s in charge of the most powerful country in the world, the one that’s called the leader of the free world is also a deranged, crazy dude, as well as the Commander-in-Chief of the most powerful army in the planet, with long range nukes – as deadly as North Koreans — and ready to launch them if necessary…

So, now we’ve history taking its course and we all well up in tears when we see the images of Kim and Moon crossing the little step that separates both Koreas, going back and forth from the South to the North and viceversa in just an almost and effortless symbolic dance…

As we watch these two leaders talking to each other as they were eternal friends meeting once again after multiple lives together, hugging, and holding hands as they walk with so much ease side by side, smiling, and even laughing,  without needing their security detail in their faces all the time, our hardened and fearful hearts give in to hope and great optimism that things could actually change and a new era of peace, tolerance and understanding awaits both Koreas; which will also be extended through out the whole world…

We can only wish and expect – as this historic event  is displayed  in front of us — that many families will now be reunited, and much needed relief will come to the rest of the world if the denuclearization will actually take place…

To witness our prayers coming true, once again we’ll regain faith in humanity, faith on the power of redemption, and acknowledge that miracles still exists…



If the opposite happens, this other possibility is dreadful… All the possible scenarios – if Trump and Kim-Jong-Un fail to achieve peace — are one more bleaker than the other… Being the best of all of them that things stay the same and the status quo prevails…

But if the situation stays unchanged it will only be for awhile before it can develop into a lethal nuclear war that will transform our planet into an off-shoot of Hell and of Biblical proportions…

So, lets be positive and have faith that the goodness and kindness in human nature – that we all have — raises and also prevails in Trump and Kim-Jong-Un – no matter what their past horrible deeds might have been — and in a miraculous moment – during their summit —  invisible angels, fairies, and magic elves will show up and help them go against their ‘devious nature’ so they can come to agreements that will save the world, as well as themselves from their own selves…

What a grandiose and wonderful opportunity might be for these two somewhat inhumane and detached from reality leaders – Trump and Kim-Jong-Un – to be able to redeem themselves, many of their actions, as well as their legacy…



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